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Annie, our CEO and Owner, is a seeker, eager to learn, discontent with the status quo, and always looking for inspiring and innovative ideas that move the world forward. She leads our firm with the experience, confidence and determination of women out to change the financial industry.


Patrice, our COO, is a woman of action. She is relentless in her pursuit to build a new, higher standard of service in our industry. She is well-known for her attention to detail, her care, and her professionalism which is admirable and unparalleled.


Andrea, our CMO, is a creative genius and she thrives at the intersection of function and beauty. She designs with passion because she believes knowledge is beautiful and it should be shared. Andrea simplifies the complex world of finance by making it understandable and useful to our vastly diverse client base.


We’re out to change the industry by putting PEOPLE FIRST.

A-Team Advisors is a full-service family advisory firm offering a fresh take and perspective on Human Wealth and asset management. 

Contrary to industry standards, our fees aren’t based solely on net worth or determined by investment performance. Our services are curated specifically for each individual’s unique situation and priced based on what is needed. Therefore, we purposely maintain a smaller client base to ensure our time and focus is on our clients and their financial wellness.

We are changing the financial services industry to ensure all individuals have access to guidance that is honest, transparent, and creates opportunities for a richer experience. We measure our success by our clients’ overall return on life. Period.